Tag Archives: video

The Highest Path of Yoga

The integral path of Yoga is both a profoundly coherent philosophical world-view, as well as the most practical system for achieving self-realization and God-consciousness available in the world. In this livestream discourse, Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya shares with us the most immediate benefits to be derived from practicing the full Yoga system with daily dedication.

“Only when manas (mind) with thoughts and the five senses stand still, and when buddhi (intellect, power to reason, wisdom faculty) does not waver, that they call the highest path. That is what one calls Yoga, the stillness of the senses, concentration of the mind. It is not thoughtless, heedless sluggishness. Yoga is creation and dissolution.” (Katha Upanishad, 2.6.10-11)

“Pleasure and pain results from contact of soul, sense, mind and object. Non-origination of that follows when the mind becomes steady in the soul. After this, there is non-existence of pain in the embodied soul. This is that Yoga.” (Vaiśeṣika Sūtra, 5.2.15-5.2.16)

Consciousness Wars: The Dharma Manifesto

Consciousness Wars – The Dharma Manifesto
A New Video Event

Over the years, we have been offered “holy wars”, “class wars”, “culture wars”, and “info wars” as attempted solutions for the dire global crisis that we are currently experiencing. In actuality, what we have been experiencing has been a consciousness war. We are presently in an ongoing struggle between the forces of materialism (with its consciousness of lust, anger and greed) versus the forces of spirituality (with its consciousness of love, tranquility and compassion). The way to transform our world for the better is to help others to elevate their consciousness, and thus liberate their perception and awareness of the truth of their true identity and of what is truly happening around them.

Learn how to elevate yourself and your world.

Presented to you by the supporters of Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.